Head (vessel)

The end caps on a cylindrically shaped Pressure vessel are commonly known as heads.

Head shapes

The shape of the heads used can vary. The most common[1][2][3] head shapes are:

Hemispherical head 
A sphere is the ideal shape for a head, because the pressure in the vessel is divided equally across the surface of the head. The radius (r) of the head equals the radius of the cylindrical part of the vessel.
Ellipsoidal head 
This is also called a 2:1 elliptical head. The shape of this head is more economical, because the height of the head is just a quarter of the diameter. Its radius varies between the major and minor axis.
Torispherical head 
These heads have a dish with a fixed radius (r1), the size of which depends on the type of torispherical head.[4] The transition between the cylinder and the dish is called the knuckle. The knuckle has a toroidal shape. The most common types of torispherical heads are:
Klöpper head 
This is a torispherical head. The dish has a radius that equals the diameter of the cylinder it is attached to (r_1=Do). The knuckle has a radius that equals a tenth of the diameter of the cylinder (r_2=0.1\times Do), hence its alternative designation "Decimal head".

Also other sizes are: h \ge3.5\times t ,[5](page13) rest of height (lets say h_2) h_2=0.1935\times Do-0.455\times t .

Korbbogen head 
This is a torispherical head. The radius of the dish is 80% of the diameter of the cylinder (r_1=0.8\times Do). The radius of the knuckle is (r_2=0.154\times Do).

Also other sizes are: h \ge3\times t , rest of height (lets say h_2) h_2=0.255\times Do-0.635\times t . This shape[6] finds its origin in architecture.[7]

Flat head 
This is a head consisting of a toroidal knuckle connecting to a flat plate. This type of head is typically used for the bottom of cookware.
Diffuser head 
This type of head is often found on the bottom of aerosol spray cans. It is an inverted torispherical head.
Conical head 
This is a cone-shaped head.

Heat Treatment

Heat treatment is usually required after cold forming, but not required by heads formed by hot forming:
